Cara Cek Shutter Count (SC) DSLR
Cara Cek
Shutter Count (SC) DSLR sebelum membahas cara cek Shutter Count (SC) DSLR
kita harus paham apa itu Shutter Count berikut kutipan saya dapatkan dari
beberapa sumber :
Count adalah jumlah berapa banyak shutter button (tombol rana)
pada kamera telah di tekan atau dengan kata lain adalah jumlah foto yang
telah dihasilkan oleh kamera. Jumlah ini sangat penting untuk kita ketahui
untuk memperkirakan umur suatu kamera, terlebih saat ingin membeli kamera bekas
pakai. Di situs jual beli ebay, shutter count dikenal dengan istilah actuations yang
menjadi semacam terms yang biasanya dicantumkan penjual kamera second sebagai
informasi kondisi kamera tersebut.
kamera "jepretan" dari kamera Digital SLR. Seperti Canon 650D,, Nikon
D5200, atau sejenisnya yang lain.standarnya camdig biasa sih jepretan..
habis tu si kamera akan ngambek dan nggak mau shut lagi.. yang rusak bukan
bodynya, tapi sensor kamera yang sudah saatnya pensiun.
Tetapi ada
beberapa fotografer yang tidak mengetahui sampai dimanakah batas / umur SC
(Shutter Count) tersebut ?!
jumlah “Shutter Count” sangatlah penting bagi anda yang mempunyai kamera
digital karena dengan mengetahui berapa “Shutter Count” dari kamera anda maka
anda akan mengetahui pula umur dari kamera anda tersebut. Kok Bisa? Apa
hubungannya jumlah foto yang di jepret dengan umur sebuah kamera ? bukankah
kamera sudah dilengkapi dengan memory card yang nantinya gambar dari memory
card tersebut akan di pindahkan ke PC dan kita bisa mengambil foto lagi dengan
menggunakan memory card yang sudah kosong.
Setiap vendor kamera, baik itu Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Pentax dan lain menerapkan teknologi dimana “Shutter Count” atau jumlah jepret kamera mempunyai ambang batas. Ini dikarenakan adanya komponen yang aus pada shutter kamera tersebut. Jadi jangan dikira kamera yang anda dan saya pakai akan selamanya bisa dipakai dengan cara menghapus file foto yang ada di memory card. Kalo “Shutter Count” suatu kamera sudah mendekati ambang batasnya biasanya ditandai dengan ketidak nyamanan pada saat kamera akan digunakan. Diantaranya adalah shutter sering macet. Berapa ambang batas untuk kamera digital yang beredar dipasaran? Saat ini tidak ada klaim yang pasti tentang hal ini. Hanya perkiraan dari vendor saja yang kadang kita dengar dan ikuti. Sebagai contoh kamera Nikon dan Canon mengklaim ambang batas “Shutter Count” dari produk mereka adalah 100.000 kali Shutter. Ini terjadi karena sering jika “Shutter Count” mencapai atau mendekati angka 100.000 ketidak nyamanan (shutternya ngadat) sering terjadi.
Sekarang bagaimana cara kita mengetahui jumlah “Shutter Count” kamera yang kita pakai ?
cara cek jumlah Shutter Count pada kamera DSLR?
Untuk kamera
Dslr Nikon itu bias menggunakan Aplikasi dan bisa juga secara Online. Sedangkan
Canon juga memakai aplikasi khusus untuk Canon.
1 1. Cek Shutter Count Nikon Secara Online
khusus untuk
kamera DSLR merek Nikon buka situs , caranya seperti ilustrasi
gambar di bawah ini:
Atau juga bisa
msuk ke situs
Setelah Masuk,
pilih Choose File, dan klik upload. Akan menghasilkan Shutter Count seperti
dibawah ini
2 2. Menggunakan aplikasi atau software EXIF
satunya softwarenya adalah Opanda iExif. Caranya download terlebih dahulu
aplikasi OpandaiExif, kemudian ikuti
langkah-langkah seperti ilustrasi di bawah ini:
3. Menggunakan EosCameraInfo v1.2
aplikasi yang satu ini sudah sangat familiar, khususnya buat cek shutter count
khusus Canon, dan kompetibel untuk seri Canon
EOS 6D - Canon EOS 7D - Canon EOS 40D - Canon EOS 50D - Canon EOS 60D - Canon
EOS 70D - Canon EOS 5D Mark II - Canon EOS 5D Mark III - Canon EOS 1D Mark IV -
Canon EOS 1D X - Canon EOS 1D C - Canon EOS 100D - Canon EOS 450D - Canon EOS
500D - Canon EOS 550D - Canon EOS 600D - Canon EOS 650D - Canon EOS 700D -
Canon EOS 1000D - Canon EOS 1100D.
Cara penggunaanya
cukup mudah,
aplikasi canoneosinfov1.2
kamera ke pc denga usb yg kompetibel,
on kamera, otomatis aplikasi akan mendeteksi, dan turn off kamera.
Pada situs the-digital-picture. com batas maksimum shutter count disebutkan sebagai Shutter Durability Rating sebagai berikut:
Pada situs the-digital-picture. com batas maksimum shutter count disebutkan sebagai Shutter Durability Rating sebagai berikut:
Canon EOS
Rebel T1i / 500D : 100,000
Canon EOS
Rebel T3 / 1100D : n/a
Canon EOS
Rebel XSi / 450D : 100,000
Canon EOS
Rebel XS / 1000D : 100,000
Canon EOS
Rebel XTi / 400D : 50,000
Canon EOS
Rebel XT / 350D : 50,000
Canon EOS
60D : 100,000
Canon EOS
50D : 100,000
Canon EOS
40D : 100,000
Canon EOS
30D : 100,000
Canon EOS
20D : 50,000
Canon EOS 7D
: 150,000
Canon EOS 6D
: 100,000
Canon EOS 5D
Mark III : 150,000
Canon EOS 5D
Mark II : 150,000
Canon EOS 5D
: 100,000
Canon EOS 1D
X : 400,000
Canon EOS 1D
Mark IV : 300,000
Canon EOS 1D
Mark III : 300,000
Canon EOS 1D
Mark II N : 200,000
Canon EOS
1DS Mark III : 300,000
Canon EOS
1DS Mark II : 200,000
merek-merek DSLR berikut ini batas maksimal shutter count yang
sumbernya dari situs olegkikin. com/shutterlife/ disebutkan sebagai Camera
Shutter Life, merupakan jumlah rata-rata berdasarkan shutter count dari
database para pengguna kamera pada situs terebut.
Nikon D70s Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 50,085.8
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 71,550.7
Nikon D50 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,080.5
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 41,559.5
Nikon D80 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 41,936.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 43,498.3
Nikon D90 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 51,857.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 274,232.2
Nikon D200 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 80,349.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 114,166.8
Nikon D300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 203,482.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 277,733.0
Nikon D3000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 55,297.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 9,873.6
Nikon D5000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 98,567.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 286,845.3
Nikon D3 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 171,327.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 704,487.6
Sony A900 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 108,883.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 2,074,452.0
Sony A350 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 37,991.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 13,889.5
Sony A300 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 25,845.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 12,819.5
Sony DSLR-A100 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 26,105.6
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 14,582.4
Olympus E-620 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 23,937.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 37,237.4
Olympus E-520 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 87,955.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 375,358.1
Olympus E-500 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 35,806.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 23,205.8
Olympus E-420 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 29,029.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 7,271.0
Olympus E-400 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,692.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 27,253.5
Olympus E-300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 24,310.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 29,957.4
Nikon D70s Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 50,085.8
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 71,550.7
Nikon D50 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,080.5
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 41,559.5
Nikon D80 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 41,936.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 43,498.3
Nikon D90 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 51,857.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 274,232.2
Nikon D200 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 80,349.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 114,166.8
Nikon D300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 203,482.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 277,733.0
Nikon D3000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 55,297.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 9,873.6
Nikon D5000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 98,567.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 286,845.3
Nikon D3 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 171,327.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 704,487.6
Sony A900 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 108,883.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 2,074,452.0
Sony A350 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 37,991.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 13,889.5
Sony A300 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 25,845.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 12,819.5
Sony DSLR-A100 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 26,105.6
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 14,582.4
Olympus E-620 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 23,937.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 37,237.4
Olympus E-520 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 87,955.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 375,358.1
Olympus E-500 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 35,806.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 23,205.8
Olympus E-420 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 29,029.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 7,271.0
Olympus E-400 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,692.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 27,253.5
Olympus E-300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 24,310.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 29,957.4
Dari sekian
banyak merk SLR maupun DSLR akan ada berbagai cara mengecek shutter count,
melalui situs online dan juga aplikasi aplikasi dari pihak ke 3.
Mungkin dari
sekian banyak aplikasi, hanya itu yang pernah saya coba dan berhasil, tetapi
tidak semua kamera bisa dicek menggunakna aplikasi tersebut.
Sekian dan
semoga membantu. Terimaksih